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Welcome to Underfloor Store

Underfloor Store is an exclusive online retailer of underfloor heating kits and accessories from leading brands. We stock everything from wet underfloor heating, electric underfloor heating matsthermostats and controls and AccessoriesHaving been the underfloor heating store of choice for many customers for over 25 years we are proud to offer guidance throughout your project.

If you need any assistance with your project or have a question about any of our stocked items, give our team a call on 0330 1232231 or fill out our online form today.

Underfloor Store can also provide you with a quote from a plan, simply submit your plan online now.

underfloorstore hub

The rise of smart thermostats: Optimising your underfloor heating experience.
The humble thermostat has undergone a dramatic transformation in recent years. No longer a simple dial, today's smart thermostats offer a wealth of features designed to maximise comfort, convenience ...
What is Underfloor Heating and How Does it Work?
At Underfloor Store, we're passionate about the comfort and efficiency that underfloor heating brings to homes. But what exactly is underfloor heating, and how does it work its magic?What is ...
Why Choose Electric Underfloor Heating?
Electric underfloor heating has become an increasingly popular choice for homeowners and renovators alike. Its ease of installation, versatility, and energy efficiency make it a compelling option for ...