Underfloor heating pipe conduits are a must-have component of your wet underfloor heating system and Underfloor Store can help you choose the best pipe conduit for your specific underfloor heating system needs.
An underfloor heating pipe conduit is primarily used within wet underfloor heating systems. The purpose of a pipe conduit is to group multiple underfloor heating pipes that are close together, to avoid an excessive amount of heat in one small area. The pipe conduits ensure that there is a cavity of air around the underfloor heating pipes, reducing the chances of the floor screed cracking due to too much heat pressure. Underfloor heating pipe conduits can also be used to protect the underfloor heating pipes from damage, and where underfloor heating pipes are travelling from one room to another or when they are passing through walls.
Underfloor heating pipe conduits are a must-have component of your wet underfloor heating system and Underfloor Store can help you choose the best pipe conduit for your specific underfloor heating system needs.